JCUH ED Peer Support Network.
Background to the Peer Support Network
It is well recognised that speaking to colleagues who have had a shared experience can be a helpful tool for people exposed to challenging and difficult situations at work. We know that working in the Emergency Department is stressful, with a high risk of burn-out and sickness, much of which is related to the relentless pressured working environment.
People respond in different ways to stressful situations and the aim of a peer support network is to provide an easily identifiable and accessible group of colleagues from a range of backgrounds and roles within the Emergency Department that someone in need can feel comfortable speaking to. The experience of working in the Emergency Department is relatively unique compared with other areas of the hospital, producing a unique set of pressures and demands, and anecdotal evidence suggests speaking to colleagues who understand these pressures may be beneficial.
Peer support within the Emergency Department is intended to be part of a range of support services available to staff as we believe one size does not fit all. Underpinning everything is our aim to foster a psychologically safe working environment. As well as the peer support network, there are several named well-being co-ordinators with an interest in staff welfare who lead support services within the department, there is a Professional Nurse Advocate, and dedicated psychology provision for staff on a weekly basis from a clinical psychologist. Externally, staff can access Occupational Health, Trust wellbeing resources or be signposted to their GP or other services such as counselling and helplines provided by professional bodies e.g. BMA, RCN, RCEM.
How does it work?
The network is intended to include Peer Supporters from a range of job types and backgrounds working in the Emergency Department, with the hope that anyone wishing to talk to someone is able to find a Peer Supporter they feel able to approach and speak to. We aim to have representation across different groups to encourage inclusivity of all identities.
Peer Supporters can be accessed via self-referral by staff members wishing to speak to someone, either in person at work or via their work email to arrange a time to talk. Details of members of the Peer Support network are on a noticeboard in the Emergency Department coffee room.
The intention is for the Peer Supporters to provide preventative psychological support in a non-intrusive, compassionate, non-judgemental and confidential manner. Their role is to help empower the person seeking support to take their own next steps and may therefore signpost to other resources. Colleagues may wish to discuss a variety of issues, such as workplace stress, burnout, worry, low mood, distressing events at work, skills & confidence, workplace conflict, personal & home life stress impacting work. In any given scenario, the role of the Peer Supporter is to provide support in the form of psychological first aid.
All conversations will be held in the strictest confidence, unless the Peer Supporter is concerned that there is a risk to self or others, in which case they would immediately escalate to the ED’s dedicated Clinical Psychologist or the EPIC or ENIC on shift.
What happens afterwards?
In order to monitor the use of the network, the Peer Supporters will complete a very brief log if they’ve had a conversation with a colleague. This would not record any details of the conversation or the staff member’s name, just that a conversation had taken place.
How are the Peer Supporters supported?
Peer Supporters have undertaken Psychological First Aid training, which will be refreshed on an annual basis.
Regular group supervision is provided to the Peer Supporters by a qualified mental health professional within the department (currently one of the Trust’s Clinical Psychologists) on a 4-6 monthly basis. Supervision and support is also available to them via the weekly psychology drop-in sessions in the department if they need it.
The Peer Supporters are only to be contacted via designated routes to protect their time away from work i.e. only in person or via work email, not via social media or text.