A list of contacts if you need to speak to someone about how you are feeling. Click on the black buttons to call or open links.



For staff who work at South Tees NHS Foundation Trust


Peer Support Network in ED

JCUH ED has a network of staff members (or ‘peer supporters’) who have volunteered to receive training in Psychological First Aid and are available to listen if you need to talk. You can find their names on the notice board in the ED coffee room - they can be approached in person or via their work email to arrange a time to talk. For more information on the network, click on the link below

psychology drop-in sessions for ED staff

We hope to have our dedicated psychology provision for staff from one of the Trust’s Clinical Psychologists up and running again soon.

how am i?

The Trust’s Psychology team have designed a toolkit for you to improve and monitor your emotional health. There are links to a range of helpful resources depending on how you are feeling (‘red, yellow, green or blue’)

in crisis



They provide confidential support and are open 24 hours a day - call 116 123 (free call) or access the link below to chat to someone online

Tees Esk & Wear Valley Crisis Team

In a crisis, call 111 and select the Mental Health Option

for nurses


RCN counselling service

Members of the Royal College of Nurses can access their counselling service via an online form or by telephone:

NHS Practitioner Health

Links to lots of resources available via the ‘for nurses’ section on their website

for doctors



The British Medical Association has a support service for its members and their families. They can be contacted by telephone or via an online portal:


If you are a member of the Medical Protection Society you can access their telephone counselling service 24 hours a day, as well as face-to-face counselling sessions (these might be virtual currently). You’ll need your MPS membership number when you call them.

NHS Practitioner Health

A service set up to support health care workers, they can provide help for doctors who, for confidentiality reasons, may not be able to access local services. Their website has a large amount of resources for all health care professionals to access though and they have a 24 hour emergency text service if you need it.

RCEM resources

If you are a member of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine, you can access a 24 hour confidential helpline via the link below (you will need your RCEM log-in details). There are also a number of other helpful resources listed on the webpage via the link below.