Delivering staff wellbeing .

Psychological Needs Of Healthcare Staff

Really useful document giving a framework for providing for the psychological needs for staff, produced by the British Psychological Society.

Infographic: responding to stress in hospital staff

A quick guide to how to respond to stress experienced by hospital staff dealing with COVID-19 produced by the King’s Fund.

COVID Trauma response group

This group has been formed by psychological trauma specialists, coordinators of the psychosocial response to trauma and wellbeing leads at NHS Trusts. Their website has lots of useful resources.


Understanding & addressing sources of anxiety among health care professionals

JAMA article by Shanafelt et al, published online April 7 2020. Results of listening sessions with 69 healthcare professionals. Really good.

#Caring4NHSPeople Webinairs

Weekly webinairs organised by Horizons NHS. The first (8th April) features excellent section by Prof Greenberg (Military and NHS psychiatrist) - check out from 25 minutes in.